How to Replace the Door Cord

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Or If You Enjoy D.I.Y. This Is How To Do It.

Wood burner door cord fraying


Scissors screw driver door cord door cord glue

Scissors,an old flat head screwdriver and some rope adhesive, I actually prefer hot spot adhesive and rope from Blaizes fire shop in Widcombe.

Step 1

Removing door cord with screw driver

Starting in a corner,using the screw driver, prise the old rope off

Step 2

Removing door cord by hand

Once started, you should be able to easily pull the rope off.

Step 3

using srew driver to remove residue

Scrape any residue away with the screw driver

Step 4

using a hoover to remove dust

Using a hoover remove any dust and remaining particles.

Step 5

sizing cord

Starting at the center of the lower groove size up the cord keep an even tension on the cord as you do this

Step 6

sizing up the cord

Continue right round the door keeping a steady tension

Step 7

cutting the cord

Using the scissors cut the cord

door cord a little too long

Its best to cut it a little too long and trim to the correct size later

Step 8

painting glue into the door groove

Using the brush supplied with hot spot rope adhesive, paint the groove liberally.

Step 9

placing the cord

Starting in the center of the groove begin inserting the rope, keep a steady tension on the rope and press it into the groove with your thumbs.

clip holding corner

You may need to clamp the corners or get an assistant to hold them in place

Step 10

tidying ends with adhesive

You can tidy the cut ends with a little adhesive wipe off any excess and dab with ashes.

Step 11

struggling to close the door

You will probably find the door impossible to close don`t panic !

Step 12

adjusting door catch

Referring to your stove manual adjust the door catch it should be too tight for a child to close and a feel a little stiff it will loosen in operation.

Step 12 and a 1/2

lighting a small fire

Once the door cord is finished light a small fire straight away, the adhesive needs heat to harden.

Top tip

cling film on lid

Wrap a little cling film on the top of the adhesive before replacing the lid I prefer hot spot adhesive as it has a little brush in the lid and being white is easier to apply,all materials are available from your local fire shop beware of buying over the internet the materials are often of an inferior quality.

Thank`s go to young  Louie for the photography and lighting the fire.

Wood burning – Sweep every three months in use

Smokeless – Sweep every year

Coal – never burn coal in a stove

Wood and smokeless coal-never at the same time burn either one or the other.

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