Chimney Draft Excluder
Not for use with a gas fire !
A chimneys function is to draw air up and out of a building, you can spend a fortune insulating your loft and installing double glazing but if you leave a disused chimney open you will lose a lot of expensive warm air.But rest assured your chimney sweep has a low tech solution.
There is a way of foiling these pesky free loaders.
Step 1
First, to avoid future problems have the chimney swept.
If there is a history of nesting consider having an anti bird cowl fitted.
Step 2
After sweeping, loose fill a bin liner with newspaper.No need to scrunch it.
Step 3
This is about the standard size.Close the bag with a few twists.
Step 4
Seal the bag with tape or string leave a length dangling.This is to mark that the flue has been plugged.
Step 5
Tear a small hole in the bag.This is to make it easier to insert the bag into the flue.
Step 6
Insert the bag into the chimney.You may have to use a broom handle to push it firmly into the flue.
Step 7
Make sure the dangle is visible (you may need to tether it) just in case you forget the bags there and you try to light a fire.
If the fire is to be used remove the bag the night before, if not you may need to warm the flue.
Always leave a gas fire flue permanently open
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