How to light a wood log fire
Whichever way you start your log fire, you will be amazed by the effect it has on your family as if by magic, long lost pets, children and elusive teenagers will appear and all will be right with the world.
Starting and maintaining a fire can take a little skill and practice but if you follow these simple tips you should soon have your fire blazing away.
Three handfuls of dry kindling, lots of scrunched up newspaper and dry well seasoned logs.
2.The Log Fire
Place two logs front to back on the grate, wood burns best on a bed of ashes.
3.Building the fire
Place a log either side, then build a loose pile of kindling in the centre.
4.Place the paper
Place the scrunched paper on top.
5.Light the fire
Lighting the paper in several places ensures the fire spreads evenly and sends heat up the chimney as quickly as possible which increases the draw.
6.The Kindling ignites
The burn has begun as the kindling ignites the chimney warms and the draw increases.
7.Place the fireguard
To protect from sparks place the fireguard in front now don`t touch for at least 20 minutes.
8.Fire is well established
I have just popped a log on top of the well established fire.
Hmmmm toasty, time for a cup of tea and a biscuit.
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